interpret results

美 [ɪnˈtɜːrprət rɪˈzʌlts]英 [ɪnˈtɜːprət rɪˈzʌlts]
  • 阐释结果
interpret resultsinterpret results
  1. When trying to frame research questions and interpret results we need to better incorporate and be aware of our research 's implications to practitioners .


  2. Modellers must not only be good modellers but must also be good experimenters and managers must take the time to understand this and how they should interpret results .


  3. Recent years , with the increasingly complex terrain and geological conditions and environmental monitoring faced in detection , the requirements of imaging accuracy and interpret results for geophysical detection are increasingly high .


  4. Scheme theory is used to interpret most results successfully and logically .


  5. The challenge , of course , is to interpret the results .


  6. I figured you 'd be the one to interpret the results .


  7. Interpret the results from a proportional hazards regression model .


  8. Finally , you learned how to interpret the results of a maximization problem .


  9. Benchmarking often requires performing many measurements and using statistics to interpret the results .


  10. We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections .


  11. The researchers interpret the results as showing that social factors can influence a species ' smarts .


  12. The machines are expensive to use and require specially trained experts to interpret the results .


  13. It also makes it harder to interpret ABP results , leaving room for chemical enhancement as well .


  14. We use simple theoretical models to interpret the results of size-mass relation of each type galaxy .


  15. The silhouette graph is successfully applied to interpret clustering results and especially select the number of clusters .


  16. In addition to supporting you in setting up and collecting performance and memory data , you get tools and views to interpret the results .


  17. Our results show that the Huang-Rhys model , which is based on weak-coupling , can not be used to interpret our results .


  18. Three cognitive models were used to interpret the results of SSA researches . They were spreading priming model , response competing model and compound cue model .


  19. If you pay an extra fee , $ 14.95 for the IQ tests , Emode will help you interpret the results .


  20. Plans to market such tests are provoking concern among some experts who worry among other things that neither consumers nor their physicians know how to interpret the results .


  21. Speaking to the Telegraph , Mr Dawe said : Everyone has a computer available to solve a problem but its then about how they interpret the results .


  22. Where possible , we try and isolate the shared classes feature ( by disabling other features where possible ) so that it is easier to interpret the results .


  23. I provided some Teaser output , but this was not sufficently extensive nor well organized so that you could adequately interpret the results of the analysis .


  24. With its careful step-by-step guidance , the Manual enables readers to correctly perform the appropriate diagnostic , therapeutic , and susceptibility tests and then interpret the results .


  25. You 'll also have Java 's type / method checking to ensure that you don 't call the Amazon Web Services API incorrectly or interpret the results with the wrong data type .


  26. This article will not explore any specific issues that you might encounter when using the tool , but it will offer some general guidance to help you use and interpret the results you get .


  27. Researchers designing vaccines against malaria need to know whether some of their trial participants resist the parasite in this way to interpret their results correctly , says Weatherall .


  28. Of course , the downside of testing is the candidate 's acceptance and the time needed on both the candidate side as well as on the recruiters to interpret the results .


  29. This paper reviews the four diagnosis models as view from knowledge acquisition , diagnostic reliability ( mainly referring to ability to detect a novel fault ) and ability for intelligent system to interpret diagnostic results ;


  30. STUDY ON NON-ISOTHERMAL REACTION KINETICS FOR SYNTHESIS OF DIETHYLENE GLYCOL DIBENZOATE A set of non-isothermal reaction kinetic models was presented , and it could interpret the results from DSC well .
